On Fri, Aug 31, 2018 at 07:21:27PM -0700, Tom Hood wrote:
> I tried Willy's suggestion with -pthread in the OPTIONS_CFLAGS and it
> didn't make any difference.  Same errors.
> I haven't tried looking at it anymore other than to try Willy's test.

OK, thanks for the test.

> Although I didn't mention it previously, I had seen that suggestion of
> trying USE_PTHREAD_SHARED=1.  It also didn't help with 1.8.9, but I haven't
> tried with 1.8.13.

It will not help, it was for and old compiler not having some atomic
builtins if I remember well.

> If you think of any other tests you'd like me to try, let me know.

Please send the output of "gcc -v". If it doesn't have "--enable-threads",
you're screwed. Maybe it's present but assigned a value different from
"posix" which is possibly not compatible.


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