
Am 05.10.2018 um 22:10 schrieb Computerisms Corporation:
> Okay, this is something I hadn't looked at.  Not 100% sure I am
> interpreting correctly, but assuming I am, then the browser is reporting
> that the connection is successfully upgrading to websockets both with
> and without the Lua script enabled.  As far as I can tell, the only
> thing that changes is the cookies and keys.  There is a significant
> difference in the "waiting" response, though; ~350ms with the lua
> script, but less than 5ms without it.

Use your browser's dev tools (F12 for Firefox, Chrome). Search for the
websocket request. It's just called '/websocket' for Etherpad. It should
return a 101 Switching Protocols. In Google Chrome you can even look at
the WebSocket Frames.

>> b) Send credentials for basic authentication for Websockets.
> hm, so I don't seem to be able to connect to etherpad directly using a
> ws:// schematic in chrome or firefox, and I think that is what you mean.
>  not sure if that is just me, though, will work some more on that and
> see if I can figure out if I am doing something wrong there...

No, use the dev tools and look at the request headers, whether there is
an Authorization header. Of course oauth_proxy needs to be enabled.

I attached a screenshot of Chrome's dev tools.

If you send me credentials in private I can take a look myself, if you want.

Best regards
Tim Düsterhus

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