Hi Lukas.

Am 23.01.2019 um 10:24 schrieb Luke Seelenbinder:
> Hi Willy,
> Thanks for continuing to look into this. 
>> I've place an nginx instance after my local haproxy dev config, and
>> found something which might explain what you're observing : the process
>> apparently leaks FDs and fails once in a while, causing 500 to be returned :
> That's fascinating. I would have thought nginx would have had a bit better 
> care given to things like that. . .

This can be fixed with increasing the ulimits ;-).

> Oddly enough, I cannot find any log entries that approximate this. However, 
> it's possible since we're primarily (99+%) using nginx as a reverse-proxy 
> that the fd issues wouldn't appear for us.

What's your ulimit for nginx process?

> My next thought is to try tcpdump to try to determine what's on the wire when 
> the CD-- and SD-- pairs appear, but since our stack is SSL e2e, that might 
> prove difficult. Any suggestions?

If you have enough log space you can try to activate debug log in nginx and 

https://cbonte.github.io/haproxy-dconv/1.9/configuration.html#log => debug

This will have some impacts on the performance as every request creates a lot 
of loglines!

It would be interesting which error you have in the nginx log when the CD/SD 
happen as the 'http2 flood detected' is not in the logs.

Which release of nginx do you use?

Maybe there are some errors in the log which can be found in this directory.

> One more interesting piece of data: if we use htx without h2 on the backends, 
> we only see CD-- entries consistently (with a very, very few SD-- entries). 
> Thus, it would seem whatever is causing the issue is directly related to h2 
> backends. I further think we can safely say it is directly related to h2 
> streams breaking (due to client-side request cancellations) resulting in the 
> whole connection breaking in HAProxy or nginx (though determining which will 
> be the trick).
> There's also a strong possibility we replace nginx with HAProxy entirely for 
> our SSL + H2 setup as we overhaul the backends, so this problem will probably 
> be resolved by removing the problematic interaction.

What was the main reason to use the nginx between the haproxy and backends?
What's the backends?


> I'm still working on running h2load against our nginx servers to see if that 
> turns anything up.
>> And at this point the connection is closed and reopened for new requests.
>> There's never any GOAWAY sent.
> If I'm understanding this correctly, that implies as long as nginx sends 
> GOAWAY properly, HAProxy will not attempt to reuse the connection?
>> I managed to work around the problem by limiting the number of total
>> requests per connection. I find this extremely dirty but if it helps...
>> I just need to figure how to best do it, so that we can use it as well
>> for H2 as for H1.
> We're pretty satisfied with our h2 fe <-> be h1.1 setup right now, so we will 
> probably stick with that for now, since we don't want to have any more 
> operational issues from bleeding-edge bugs. (Not a comment on HAProxy, per 
> se, just a business reality. :-) ) I'm more than happy to try out anything 
> you turn up on our staging setup!
> Best,
> Luke
> —
> Luke Seelenbinder
> Stadia Maps | Founder
> stadiamaps.com
> ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
> On Wednesday, January 23, 2019 8:28 AM, Willy Tarreau <w...@1wt.eu> wrote:
>> Hi Luke,
>> I've place an nginx instance after my local haproxy dev config, and
>> found something which might explain what you're observing : the process
>> apparently leaks FDs and fails once in a while, causing 500 to be returned :
>> 2019/01/23 08:22:13 [crit] 25508#0: *36705 open() 
>> "/usr/local/nginx/html/index.html" failed (24: Too many open files), client: 
>> 1>
>> 2019/01/23 08:22:13 [crit] 25508#0: accept4() failed (24: Too many open 
>> files)
>> - - [23/Jan/2019:08:22:13 +0100] "GET / HTTP/2.0" 500 579 "-" 
>> "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.01; Windows)"
>> The ones are seen by haproxy :
>> [23/Jan/2019:08:22:13.589] decrypt trace/ngx 0/0/0/0/0 500 
>> 701 - - ---- 1/1/0/0/0 0/0 "GET / HTTP/1.1"
>> And at this point the connection is closed and reopened for new requests.
>> There's never any GOAWAY sent.
>> I managed to work around the problem by limiting the number of total
>> requests per connection. I find this extremely dirty but if it helps...
>> I just need to figure how to best do it, so that we can use it as well
>> for H2 as for H1.
>> Best regards,
>> Willy

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