Hi Willy,

After the commit "6ec902a MINOR: threads: serialize threads initialization" however i have failing / slow health checks in the tls_health_checks.vtc test. Before that the Layer7-OK takes 5ms after this commit the healthcheck takes up to 75ms or even more.. It causes the 20ms connect/server timeouts to also to fail the test fairly often but not always..

Seems like something isn't quite right there. Can you check?


PiBa-NL (Pieter)

Log can be seen below (p.s. i added milliseconds output also to the vtest log.. ): ***  h2    0.299 debug|[WARNING] 157/231456 (78988) : Health check for server be2/srv1 succeeded, reason: Layer7 check passed, code: 200, info: "OK", check duration: 149ms, status: 1/1 UP.

## With HTX
*    top   0.000 TEST ./work/haproxy-6ec902a/reg-tests/checks/tls_health_checks.vtc starting
**** top   0.000 extmacro def pwd=/usr/ports/net/haproxy-devel
**** top   0.000 extmacro def no-htx=
**** top   0.000 extmacro def localhost=
**** top   0.000 extmacro def bad_backend= 19775
**** top   0.000 extmacro def bad_ip=
**** top   0.000 macro def testdir=/usr/ports/net/haproxy-devel/./work/haproxy-6ec902a/reg-tests/checks
**** top   0.000 macro def tmpdir=/tmp/vtc.78981.41db79fd
**   top   0.000 === varnishtest "Health-check test over TLS/SSL"
*    top   0.000 VTEST Health-check test over TLS/SSL
**   top   0.000 === feature ignore_unknown_macro
**   top   0.000 === server s1 {
**   s1    0.000 Starting server
**** s1    0.000 macro def s1_addr=
**** s1    0.000 macro def s1_port=19776
**** s1    0.000 macro def s1_sock= 19776
*    s1    0.000 Listen on 19776
**   top   0.001 === server s2 {
**   s2    0.001 Starting server
**** s2    0.001 macro def s2_addr=
**** s2    0.001 macro def s2_port=19777
**** s2    0.001 macro def s2_sock= 19777
*    s2    0.001 Listen on 19777
**   top   0.002 === syslog S1 -level notice {
**   S1    0.002 Starting syslog server
**** S1    0.002 macro def S1_addr=
**** S1    0.002 macro def S1_port=14641
**** S1    0.002 macro def S1_sock= 14641
*    S1    0.002 Bound on 14641
**   s2    0.002 Started on 19777 (1 iterations)
**   s1    0.002 Started on 19776 (1 iterations)
**   top   0.002 === haproxy h1 -conf {
**   S1    0.002 Started on 14641 (level: 5)
**   S1    0.002 === recv
**** h1    0.007 macro def h1_cli_sock=::1 19778
**** h1    0.007 macro def h1_cli_addr=::1
**** h1    0.007 macro def h1_cli_port=19778
**** h1    0.007 setenv(cli, 8)
**** h1    0.007 macro def h1_fe1_sock=::1 19779
**** h1    0.007 macro def h1_fe1_addr=::1
**** h1    0.007 macro def h1_fe1_port=19779
**** h1    0.007 setenv(fe1, 9)
**** h1    0.007 macro def h1_fe2_sock=::1 19780
**** h1    0.007 macro def h1_fe2_addr=::1
**** h1    0.007 macro def h1_fe2_port=19780
**** h1    0.007 setenv(fe2, 10)
**   h1    0.007 haproxy_start
**** h1    0.007 opt_worker 0 opt_daemon 0 opt_check_mode 0
**** h1    0.007 argv|exec "haproxy" -d  -f "/tmp/vtc.78981.41db79fd/h1/cfg"
**** h1    0.007 conf|    global
**** h1    0.007 conf|\tstats socket "/tmp/vtc.78981.41db79fd/h1/stats.sock" level admin mode 600
**** h1    0.007 conf|    stats socket "fd@${cli}" level admin
**** h1    0.007 conf|
**** h1    0.007 conf|    global
**** h1    0.007 conf|        tune.ssl.default-dh-param 2048
**** h1    0.007 conf|
**** h1    0.007 conf|    defaults
**** h1    0.007 conf|        mode http
**** h1    0.007 conf|        timeout client 20
**** h1    0.007 conf|        timeout server 20
**** h1    0.007 conf|        timeout connect 20
**** h1    0.007 conf|
**** h1    0.007 conf|    backend be1
**** h1    0.007 conf|        server srv1
**** h1    0.007 conf|
**** h1    0.007 conf|    backend be2
**** h1    0.007 conf|        server srv2
**** h1    0.007 conf|
**** h1    0.007 conf|    frontend fe1
**** h1    0.007 conf|        option httplog
**** h1    0.007 conf|        log len 2048 local0 debug err
**** h1    0.007 conf|        bind "fd@${fe1}" ssl crt /usr/ports/net/haproxy-devel/./work/haproxy-6ec902a/reg-tests/checks/common.pem
**** h1    0.007 conf|        use_backend be1
**** h1    0.007 conf|
**** h1    0.007 conf|    frontend fe2
**** h1    0.007 conf|        option tcplog
**** h1    0.007 conf|        bind "fd@${fe2}" ssl crt /usr/ports/net/haproxy-devel/./work/haproxy-6ec902a/reg-tests/checks/common.pem
**** h1    0.007 conf|        use_backend be2
**** h1    0.007 XXX 12 @637
***  h1    0.008 PID: 78985
**** h1    0.008 macro def h1_pid=78985
**** h1    0.008 macro def h1_name=/tmp/vtc.78981.41db79fd/h1
**   top   0.008 === syslog S2 -level notice {
**   S2    0.008 Starting syslog server
**** S2    0.008 macro def S2_addr=
**** S2    0.008 macro def S2_port=35409
**** S2    0.008 macro def S2_sock= 35409
*    S2    0.008 Bound on 35409
**   top   0.009 === syslog S4 -level notice {
**   S4    0.009 Starting syslog server
**** S4    0.009 macro def S4_addr=
**** S4    0.009 macro def S4_port=38038
**** S4    0.009 macro def S4_sock= 38038
*    S4    0.009 Bound on 38038
**   S2    0.009 Started on 35409 (level: 5)
**   S2    0.009 === recv
**   top   0.010 === haproxy h2 -conf {
**   S4    0.010 Started on 38038 (level: 5)
**   S4    0.010 === recv
**** h2    0.016 macro def h2_cli_sock=::1 19781
**** h2    0.016 macro def h2_cli_addr=::1
**** h2    0.016 macro def h2_cli_port=19781
**** h2    0.016 setenv(cli, 15)
**   h2    0.016 haproxy_start
**** h2    0.016 opt_worker 0 opt_daemon 0 opt_check_mode 0
**** h2    0.016 argv|exec "haproxy" -d  -f "/tmp/vtc.78981.41db79fd/h2/cfg"
**** h2    0.016 conf|    global
**** h2    0.016 conf|\tstats socket "/tmp/vtc.78981.41db79fd/h2/stats.sock" level admin mode 600
**** h2    0.016 conf|    stats socket "fd@${cli}" level admin
**** h2    0.016 conf|
**** h2    0.016 conf|    global
**** h2    0.016 conf|        tune.ssl.default-dh-param 2048
**** h2    0.016 conf|
**** h2    0.016 conf|    defaults
**** h2    0.016 conf|        timeout client 20
**** h2    0.016 conf|        timeout server 20
**** h2    0.016 conf|        timeout connect 20
**** h2    0.016 conf|        default-server downinter 1s inter 500 rise 1 fall 1
**** h2    0.016 conf|
**** h2    0.016 conf|    backend be2
**** h2    0.016 conf|        option log-health-checks
**** h2    0.016 conf|        option httpchk OPTIONS * HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\ www
**** h2    0.016 conf|        log daemon
**** h2    0.016 conf|        server srv1 ::1:19779 ssl crt /usr/ports/net/haproxy-devel/./work/haproxy-6ec902a/reg-tests/checks/common.pem verify none check
**** h2    0.016 conf|
**** h2    0.016 conf|    backend be4
**** h2    0.016 conf|        option log-health-checks
**** h2    0.016 conf|        log daemon
**** h2    0.016 conf|        server srv2 ::1:19780 ssl crt /usr/ports/net/haproxy-devel/./work/haproxy-6ec902a/reg-tests/checks/common.pem verify none check-ssl check
**** h2    0.016 XXX 17 @637
***  h2    0.016 PID: 78988
**** h2    0.016 macro def h2_pid=78988
**** h2    0.016 macro def h2_name=/tmp/vtc.78981.41db79fd/h2
**   top   0.017 === syslog S1 -wait
**   S1    0.017 Waiting for syslog server (5)
***  h1    0.018 debug|[WARNING] 157/231456 (78985) : config : log format ignored for frontend 'fe2' since it has no log address.
***  h1    0.020 debug|Note: setting global.maxconn to 117418.
***  h1    0.020 debug|Available polling systems :
***  h1    0.020 debug|     kqueue : pref=300,  test result OK
***  h1    0.020 debug|       poll : pref=200,  test result OK
***  h1    0.020 debug|     select : pref=150,  test result FAILED
***  h1    0.020 debug|Total: 3 (2 usable), will use kqueue.
***  h1    0.020 debug|
***  h1    0.020 debug|Available filters :
***  h1    0.020 debug|\t[SPOE] spoe
***  h1    0.020 debug|\t[COMP] compression
***  h1    0.020 debug|\t[CACHE] cache
***  h1    0.020 debug|\t[TRACE] trace
***  h2    0.025 debug|Note: setting global.maxconn to 117418.
***  h2    0.025 debug|Available polling systems :
***  h2    0.025 debug|     kqueue : pref=300,  test result OK
***  h2    0.025 debug|       poll : pref=200,  test result OK
***  h2    0.025 debug|     select : pref=150,  test result FAILED
***  h2    0.025 debug|Total: 3 (2 usable), will use kqueue.
***  h2    0.025 debug|
***  h2    0.025 debug|Available filters :
***  h2    0.025 debug|\t[SPOE] spoe
***  h2    0.025 debug|\t[COMP] compression
***  h2    0.025 debug|\t[CACHE] cache
***  h2    0.025 debug|\t[TRACE] trace
***  h1    0.026 debug|Using kqueue() as the polling mechanism.
**** S1    0.027 syslog|<133>Jun  7 23:14:56 haproxy[78985]: Proxy fe1 started.
**   S1    0.027 === expect ~ "[^:\\[ ]\\[${h1_pid}\\]: Proxy fe1 started."
**** S1    0.027 EXPECT MATCH ~ "[^:\[ ]\[78985\]: Proxy fe1 started."
**   S1    0.027 === recv info
***  h2    0.032 debug|Using kqueue() as the polling mechanism.
**** S2    0.033 syslog|<29>Jun  7 23:14:56 haproxy[78988]: Proxy be2 started.
**   S2    0.033 === expect ~ "[^:\\[ ]\\[${h2_pid}\\]: Proxy be2 started."
**** S4    0.033 syslog|<29>Jun  7 23:14:56 haproxy[78988]: Proxy be4 started.
**   S4    0.033 === expect ~ "[^:\\[ ]\\[${h2_pid}\\]: Proxy be4 started."
**** S4    0.033 EXPECT MATCH ~ "[^:\[ ]\[78988\]: Proxy be4 started."
**   S4    0.033 === recv
**** S2    0.033 EXPECT MATCH ~ "[^:\[ ]\[78988\]: Proxy be2 started."
**   S2    0.033 === recv
***  h1    0.296 debug|00000000:fe1.accept(0009)=0024 from [::1:19782] ALPN=<none> ***  h1    0.299 debug|00000000:fe1.clireq[0024:ffffffff]: OPTIONS * HTTP/1.1
***  h1    0.299 debug|00000000:fe1.clihdr[0024:ffffffff]: host: www
***  s1    0.299 accepted fd 7 19784
**   s1    0.299 === rxreq
**** s1    0.299 rxhdr|OPTIONS * HTTP/1.1\r
**** s1    0.299 rxhdr|host: www\r
**** s1    0.299 rxhdr|\r
**** s1    0.299 rxhdrlen = 33
**** s1    0.299 http[ 0] |OPTIONS
**** s1    0.299 http[ 1] |*
**** s1    0.299 http[ 2] |HTTP/1.1
**** s1    0.299 http[ 3] |host: www
**** s1    0.299 bodylen = 0
**   s1    0.299 === expect req.method == OPTIONS
**** s1    0.299 EXPECT req.method (OPTIONS) == "OPTIONS" match
**   s1    0.299 === expect req.url == *
**** s1    0.299 EXPECT req.url (*) == "*" match
**   s1    0.299 === expect req.proto == HTTP/1.1
**** s1    0.299 EXPECT req.proto (HTTP/1.1) == "HTTP/1.1" match
**   s1    0.299 === txresp
**** s1    0.299 txresp|HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r
**** s1    0.299 txresp|Content-Length: 0\r
**** s1    0.299 txresp|\r
***  s1    0.299 shutting fd 7
**   s1    0.299 Ending
***  h1    0.299 debug|00000000:be1.srvrep[0024:003d]: HTTP/1.1 200 OK
***  h1    0.299 debug|00000000:be1.srvhdr[0024:003d]: content-length: 0
***  h1    0.299 debug|00000000:be1.srvcls[0024:003d]
***  h1    0.299 debug|00000000:be1.clicls[0024:003d]
***  h1    0.299 debug|00000000:be1.closed[0024:003d]
***  h1    0.299 debug|00000001:fe1.accept(0009)=0024 from [::1:19782] ALPN=<none> **** S1    0.299 syslog|<134>Jun  7 23:14:56 haproxy[78985]: ::1:19782 [07/Jun/2019:23:14:56.395] fe1~ be1/srv1 0/0/0/0/0 200 54 - - ---- 2/1/0/0/0 0/0 "OPTIONS * HTTP/1.1" **   S1    0.299 === expect ~ "[^:\\[ ]\\[${h1_pid}\\]: .* fe1~ be1/srv1 .* 200 [... **** S1    0.299 EXPECT MATCH ~ "[^:\[ ]\[78985\]: .* fe1~ be1/srv1 .* 200 [[:digit:]]+ - - ---- .* "OPTIONS \* HTTP/1.1""
**   S1    0.299 === recv info
***  h2    0.299 debug|[WARNING] 157/231456 (78988) : Health check for server be2/srv1 succeeded, reason: Layer7 check passed, code: 200, info: "OK", check duration: 149ms, status: 1/1 UP. **** S2    0.299 syslog|<29>Jun  7 23:14:56 haproxy[78988]: Health check for server be2/srv1 succeeded, reason: Layer7 check passed, code: 200, info: "OK", check duration: 149ms, status: 1/1 UP. **   S2    0.300 === expect ~ "[^:\\[ ]\\[${h2_pid}\\]: Health check for server b... **** S2    0.300 EXPECT MATCH ~ "[^:\[ ]\[78988\]: Health check for server be2/srv1 succeeded, reason: Layer7 check passed, code: 200, info: "OK", check duration: [[:digit:]]+ms, status: 1/1 UP."
**   S2    0.300 === recv
***  h1    0.300 debug|00000002:fe2.accept(000a)=003c from [::1:19783] ALPN=<none>
***  h1    0.300 debug|00000001:fe1.clicls[0024:ffffffff]
***  h1    0.300 debug|00000001:fe1.closed[0024:ffffffff]
***  h2    0.300 debug|[WARNING] 157/231456 (78988) : Health check for server be4/srv2 succeeded, reason: Layer6 check passed, check duration: 17ms, status: 1/1 UP.
***  h1    0.300 debug|00000002:fe2.clicls[003c:ffffffff]

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