
On 2/12/20 12:55 PM, Tim Düsterhus wrote:

Threading would solve most of the pain points for me, because the emails
will nicely be merged on both my computer and my phone. For the
remaining points I don't really care that much. I'll leave this up to
the people that actually read the emails. I'm currently just marking
them as read without taking a single look :-) Most of by curiosity is
satisfied using git and the bug list on haproxy.org.

I just wanted to acknowledge this thread and let you know that I appreciate the suggestions.

I'll do what I can to improve it starting with working on moving these items to a thread and increasing the calculations for expected release dates for older branches.

I'll also take your other suggestions into account as well but I think these might be a good starting point.

I may be a little slow on this but I'll put something together that can hopefully make the bot more useful.

Thanks again,

-- Daniel

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