Hi List,

Using 2.2-dev5-c3500c3, I've got both a server and a servertemplate/server that are marked 'down' due to dns not replying with (enough) records. That by itself is alright.. (and likely has been like that for a while so i don't think its a regression.)

But when i perform a 'seemless reload' with a serverstates file it causes the warnings below for both server and template.: [WARNING] 095/150909 (74796) : server-state application failed for server 'x/y', invalid srv_admin_state value '32' [WARNING] 095/150909 (74796) : server-state application failed for server 'x2/z3', invalid srv_admin_state value '32'

Is there a way to get rid of these warnings, and if 32 is a invalid value, how did it get into the state file at all?

## Severely cut down config snippet..:
backend x
server            y AppSrv:8084 id 161 check inter 10000  weight 1 resolvers globalresolvers
backend x2
server-template    z 3 smtp.company.tld:25 id 167 check inter 10000  weight 10 resolvers globalresolvers

One could argue that my backend x should have a better dns name configured, if it doesn't exists i apparently messed up something.. For the second x2 backend though isn't it 'normal' to have a template sizing account for 'future growth' of the cluster? And as such always have some extra template-servers available that are in 'MAINT / resolution' state? As such when 2 servers of x2 are up, and the 3rd is in resolution state, it shouldn't warn on a restart imho as its to be expected for most setups.?.

Not sure if its a bug or a feature request, but i do think it should be changed :). Can it be added to some todo list? Thanks.

Thanks and regards,
PiBa-NL (Pieter)

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