Hi Baptiste,

Op 6-4-2020 om 11:43 schreef Baptiste:
Hi Piba,

my answers inline.

    Using 2.2-dev5-c3500c3, I've got both a server and a
    servertemplate/server that are marked 'down' due to dns not replying
    with (enough) records. That by itself is alright.. (and likely has
    like that for a while so i don't think its a regression.)

You're right, this has always been like that.
For the 'regression part' i was thinking about the warnings below which where 'likely' like that before 2.2-dev5 as well, it wasn't about marking servers as down which is totally expected & desired ;) i seem to read from your response here like you thought i thought otherwise...(damn that gets hard to understand, sorry..) And as you have confirmed its already causing the warnings in 1.8 as well.. So not a regression in 2.2-dev5 itself.

    But when i perform a 'seemless reload' with a serverstates file it
    causes the warnings below for both server and template.:
    [WARNING] 095/150909 (74796) : server-state application failed for
    server 'x/y', invalid srv_admin_state value '32'
    [WARNING] 095/150909 (74796) : server-state application failed for
    server 'x2/z3', invalid srv_admin_state value '32'

    Is there a way to get rid of these warnings, and if 32 is a invalid
    value, how did it get into the state file at all?

I can confirm this is not supposed to happen!
And I could reproduce this behavior since HAProxy 1.8.

    Not sure if its a bug or a feature request, but i do think it
    should be
    changed :). Can it be added to some todo list? Thanks.

This is a bug from my point of view.
I'll check this.
Could you please open a github issue and tag me in there?
Done: https://github.com/haproxy/haproxy/issues/576


Thanks and regards,
PiBa-NL (Pieter)

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