Dear list!

Author: Thayne McCombs <>
Number of patches: 2

This is an automated relay of the Github pull request:
   Add srvkey option to stick-table

Patch title(s): 
   Add srvkey option to stick-table
   Harden sa2str agains 107-byte-long abstract unix domain path


Edit locally:
   wget && vi 979.patch

Apply locally:
   curl | git am -

   This allows using the address of the server rather than the name of
   server for keeping track of servers in a backend for
   Fixes #814
   I haven't tested this at all
   yet, and it still needs some polish, but here is a draft of how to fix
   This is my first significant contribution to haproxy,
   so I would not be surprised if I'm doing something terribly wrong, and
   I'm sure there are at least some small mistakes in it. Initial
   feedback would be very welcome.

   This github pull request will be closed automatically; patch should be
   reviewed on the haproxy mailing list ( Everyone is
   invited to comment, even the patch's author. Please keep the author and
   list CCed in replies. Please note that in absence of any response this
   pull request will be lost.

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