I understand that everybody can redefine its own format.

but I saw several times that default (not very comfortable) format was
later adopted as industry wide.

пт, 2 июл. 2021 г. в 19:52, Илья Шипицин <chipits...@gmail.com>:

> I worked with log formats a lot, couple of thoughts
> 1) tab separated is better for any log import tool (mixing spaces and "/"
> is terrible for import)
> 2) time should be iso8601
> пт, 2 июл. 2021 г. в 19:29, Remi Tricot-Le Breton <rlebre...@haproxy.com>:
>> Hello list,
>> Some work in ongoing to ease connection error and SSL handshake error
>> logging.
>> This will rely on some new sample fetches that could be added to a custom
>> log-format string.
>> In order to ease SSL logging and debugging, we will also add a new
>> default log
>> format for SSL connections. Now is then the good time to find the best
>> format
>> for everyone.
>> The proposed format looks like the HTTP one to which the SSL specific
>> information is added. But if anybody sees a missing information that
>> could be
>> beneficial for everybody, feel free to tell it, nothing is set in stone
>> yet.
>> The format would look like this :
>>     >>> Jul  1 18:11:31 haproxy[143338]:
>> [01/Jul/2021:18:11:31.517] \
>>           ssl_frontend~ ssl_frontend/s2 0/0/0/7/+7 \
>>           0/0/0/0 2750 ---- 1/1/1/1/0 0/0 TLSv1.3 TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384
>>   Field   Format                                Extract from the example
>> above
>>       1   process_name '[' pid ']:'
>> haproxy[143338]:
>>       2   client_ip ':' client_port
>>       3   '[' request_date ']'
>> [01/Jul/2021:18:11:31.517]
>>       4   frontend_name
>> ssl_frontend~
>>       5   backend_name '/' server_name
>> ssl_frontend/s2
>>       6   TR '/' Tw '/' Tc '/' Tr '/' Ta*
>> 0/0/0/7/+7
>>       7   *conn_status '/' SSL hsk error '/' SSL vfy '/' SSL CA vfy*
>> 0/0/0/0
>>       8   bytes_read*
>> 2750
>>       9   termination_state
>> ----
>>      10   actconn '/' feconn '/' beconn '/' srv_conn '/' retries*
>> 1/1/1/1/0
>>      11   srv_queue '/'
>> backend_queue                                      0/0
>>      12   *ssl_version*
>> TLSv1.3
>>      13   *ssl_ciphers*
>> TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384
>> The equivalent log-format string would be the following :
>>     "%ci:%cp [%tr] %ft %b/%s %TR/%Tw/%Tc/%Tr/%Ta \
>>         %[conn_err_code]/%[ssl_fc_hsk_err]/%[ssl_c_err]/%[ssl_c_ca_err] \
>>         %B %ts %ac/%fc/%bc/%sc/%rc %sq/%bq %sslv %sslc
>> The fields in bold are the SSL specific ones and the statuses ones will
>> come
>> from a not yet submitted code so the names and format might slightly
>> change.
>> Feel free to suggest any missing data, which could come from log-format
>> specific fields or already existing sample fetches.
>> Thanks
>> Rémi

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