
On 7/5/21 5:15 PM, Remi Tricot-Le Breton wrote:
1) tab separated is better for any log import tool (mixing spaces and
"/" is terrible for import)

I don't have any problems with that apart from inconsistency with the
other default formats. If switching to tabs for this format only does
not bother anyone I'll do it.

This inconsistency bothers me. Tabs also bother me in general, because they make it hard for a human to parse the log format, whereas one can simply teach a program to understand the HAProxy format. With 'halog' there already is a dedicated log parser that works with HAProxy's format.

Regarding my suggestion of %ID: I also don't think it is useful to put %ID into the SSL log when it is not in the HTTP log. Please don't do this, unless you also introduce an updated 'option httplog2' or something like this.

Best regards
Tim Düsterhus

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