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Five NO-NOs When Working With Boards:

1. "Let's have an annual retreat" (why waste a good weekend?)

2. "Let's hire someone to do board training" (why am I training my

3. "Let's get our members to fund raise" (it's never worked...it never

4. "Let's recruit more board members" (why add to the crazy-making?)

5. "Let's vote on a having a feasibility study" (consultants are lying
to you.)

(Make Your Reservation for FL, OK, PA)
press PLAY BUTTON below for 60 Second Video Overview 

"Major Gifts Ramp-Up is the single greatest virtual conference event
I've experienced since the start of the pandemic!" ~ Deanna Woodall,
YWCA Quad-Cities



Dear Nonprofit Execs,

Here's a list of five NO-NOs when working with a nonprofit board:

1. "Let's have an annual retreat" (why waste a good weekend?)

2. "Let's hire someone to do board training" (why am I training my
3. "Let's get our members to fund raise" (it's never worked...it never
4. "Let's recruit more board members" (why add to the crazy-making?)
5. "Let's vote on a having a feasibility study" (consultants are lying
to you.)  

I'm sharing this message with you this morning to affirm what you
already know. Your Board of Directors is not your real problem nor is it
your solution. When it's all said and done, there's one thing all boards
have in common...THEY DO NOT FUNCTION. There's a better way. Allow me to

-Boardsmanship IS NOT Governance
-Boardsmanship IS NOT Visioning
-Boardsmanship IS NOT Policy-Making
-Boardsmanship IS NOT Volunteerism
-Boardsmanship IS NOT Management

VISIT HERE to register your entire team

Boardsmanship is not Governance: Don't kid yourselves. UNPAID
VOLUNTEER BOARD MEMBERS DON'T GOVERN. Actual governance occurs when a
person (with a full-time salary) supported by various paid staff (the
formation of a government) is empowered to perform the daily tasks of
decision-making and oversight. Strong CEOs GOVERN!

Boardsmanship is not Visioning: VISION is the way MISSION is achieved
and is never the responsibility of the board because the board isn't
being paid to accomplish it. STRONG CEOs DETERMINE VISION. (I'll agree
that board members hold their compensated leader accountable to achieve
MISSION.) Here's what you do. Hire a strong CEO who can be trusted to
design a HEROIC VISION OF SCALE that accomplishes mission in ways you
never dreamed possible. Believe me, strong CEOs are already doing it
their way even if they're forced to label it "BOARD VISION."

****Boardsmanship is not Policy-Making: Hire a CEO whose depth of
experience and formal education has already equipped them as a
management expert. The right CEO has been properly trained to oversee
the creation of policies that work. Board Members never write policy
anyway. Someone else does the heavy-lifting and they rubber stamp it.

Boardsmanship is not Volunteerism: Eliminate the special events
committee. Eliminate the fundraising committee. Eliminate the public
relations committee. Eliminate the strategic planning committee.
(Here's a good rule of thumb - remove everything from your by-laws
that's not related to IRS compliance.) Re-assemble these groups as
volunteers (non-board members) who serve you directly. For example, a
group of social workers is assembled to serve the program director, or a
campaign cabinet comprised of community volunteers is built to advance
fundraising. You now have individuals in their sweet spots, who are no
longer saddled with arcane tasks.

Boardsmanship is not Management: Board members have no authority over
the day-to-day operations of a nonprofit UNLESS there's a written
directive recorded in board meeting minutes with a motion, second and
full vote. Members cannot unilaterally exercise power. Nor can
committees. Conversely, board members actually need to receive
permission from the CEO if they intend to act on behalf of the nonprofit
in a manner that could affect daily operations.

By the way, we've figured out this whole BOARD THING! Here's how it

Great boards do TWO things:


The STRONG CEO is named chair of the nominations committee and fills
these SIX POSITIONS (yes, you only need six [plus]):

1. Business Expert (Chair) Entrepreneur
2. Program Expert (Secretary) Specific
3. Finance Expert (Treasurer) Accountant
4. Legal Expert (Member) Lawyer
5. Communications Expert (Member) PR/Marketer
6. Nonprofit Expert (Member) Consultant

THAT'S IT! (add other experts as needed eg. personnel, etc.) However,
don't forget, working group theory states that any "working group"
with more than seven people is no longer a group that works!

If it's time for your organization to become fully funded I strongly
recommend that you join us for Major Gifts Ramp-Up. Over 17,000
nonprofit executives from across the U.S. have already attended. THEY
LOVE THESE EVENTS (and so do their boards!) Why? Because this fast-paced
and provocative training have been customized for the audience in
attendance. Prepare to hear the truth in ways you've never experienced
before. You'll learn from the masters who defied convention and
challenged the false thinking that keeps charities broke.

VISIT HERE to register your entire team

Here's your list of upcoming Major Gifts Ramp-Up Events:

NOV 17 2021 - NOV 18 2021, (9AM-4PM)

DEC 07 2021 - DEC 08 2021, (9AM-4PM)

FEB 01 2022 - FEB 02 2022, (9AM-4PM) 

VISIT HERE to register your entire team

What Do Donors Have To Say About Major Gifts Ramp-Up?

**"Two words...AMAZING EXPERIENCE. Missouri's Major Gifts Ramp-Up
Event was provocative and pushed our agency directors to
're-imagine' their roles as CEOs!  (I've received only positive
comments from those who attended.)  NDI challenged us to see charity
through a new lens and then gave us the tools we needed to change. Our
own United Way staff were inspired and are now poised for unprecedented
campaign success. If you believe in nonprofit capacity-building than
this program is for you."**- Debbie Meeds, Grantmaking CEO,
Springfield, MI

"Having served nonprofits for the past 40 years, I thought I'd seen
everything! Then I attended Major Gifts Ramp-Up New York and experienced
Jimmy LaRose's brilliant performance before hundreds of nonprofit
executives. His unbounded enthusiasm, comic timing, exceptional sense of
theater and insights into nonprofit management will change the way you
view yourself and the raising of big gifts. This conference is a
must-see, especially for those who think they've seen it all!" -
Deborah Bowie, Grantmaking CEO, Gainesville, FL

"I've spent the last week receiving email messages, phone calls and
personal visits thanking me for bringing Major Gifts Ramp-Up to the Gulf
Coast. Our agencies LOVED IT! This spectacular 2-day capacity-building
conference was daring, confrontational and exactly what our
organizations needed in the way of training.  Conventional methods of
management and fundraising were challenged with humor and insight. Their
expert faculty engaged our grantees and inspired them to grow revenues
in new ways that work.  Prepare for significant change if you give your
community the gift of Major Gifts Ramp-Up. Feel free to call me with
your questions!" - Cliff Grimes, Grantmaking CEO, Mobile, AL 

"Having served nonprofits for the past 40 years, I thought I'd seen
everything! Then I attended Major Gifts Ramp-Up New York and experienced
Jimmy LaRose's brilliant performance before 170 nonprofit executives.
His unbounded enthusiasm, comic timing, exceptional sense of theater and
insights into nonprofit management will change the way you view yourself
and the raising of big gifts. This conference is a must-see, especially
for those who think they've seen it all!" - Carl Cox, Habitat for

Who should attend? If you're a CEO, CFO, COO, CDO, Executive Director,
Development Director, Staff Member, Board Member, Pastor, Trustee or
Volunteer responsible for the financial health of a nonprofit, ministry
or church then you'll want to make sure you bring as many people as
possible to this training.

Tuition for a quality capacity-building conference could cost up to $700
per guest. We're thrilled to share that a group of major donors have
underwritten this event allowing us to offer tuition for ONE PERSON at
$148 or UNLIMITED REGISTRATIONS for only $298. 

That's right, every member of your team can come for only $298.

Please register today. This event will reach capacity soon. 


to Get Started.

We believe in you. We know that there are funds available to ensure your
sustainability. Let us show you how to access them ASAP. I look forward
to meeting you personally.

Until then I remain. Sincerely Yours, 

Jimmy LaRose, CNE, CDE, CNC

National Development Institute

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National Development Institute, PO Box 1840, Lexington, SOUTH CAROLINA 29071, 
United States

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