
As part of research project, my colleagues and myself are measuring the
test-suite coverage of HAProxy using gcov. We found the coverage numbers to
be relatively low compared to other major cloud applications, capping at
13-14% line coverage (other projects such as Nginx, Redis, etc. are more in
the order of 60-90%).

We are wondering if this is caused by our measurement approach (gcov,
passing -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage in the CFLAGS and -lgcov to
LDFLAGS), or if this is known to the HAProxy community. We reproduced these
measurements across several recent versions of HAProxy, dev, 2.5, and 2.4.

Thanks for your work!


                Hugo Lefeuvre (hle)    |    www.owl.eu.com
RSA4096_ 360B 03B3 BF27 4F4D 7A3F D5E8 14AA 1EB8 A247 3DFD
ed25519_ 37B2 6D38 0B25 B8A2 6B9F 3A65 A36F 5357 5F2D DC4C

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