
can you share details how did you invoked "gcov" ?
I tried to make it work recently chipitsine/haproxy | Coveralls - Test
Coverage History & Statistics
<> , but it needs more

вт, 25 янв. 2022 г. в 17:16, Hugo Lefeuvre <>:

> Hi!
> As part of research project, my colleagues and myself are measuring the
> test-suite coverage of HAProxy using gcov. We found the coverage numbers to
> be relatively low compared to other major cloud applications, capping at
> 13-14% line coverage (other projects such as Nginx, Redis, etc. are more in
> the order of 60-90%).
> We are wondering if this is caused by our measurement approach (gcov,
> passing -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage in the CFLAGS and -lgcov to
> LDFLAGS), or if this is known to the HAProxy community. We reproduced these
> measurements across several recent versions of HAProxy, dev, 2.5, and 2.4.
> Thanks for your work!
> Best,
> Hugo
> --
>                 Hugo Lefeuvre (hle)    |
> RSA4096_ 360B 03B3 BF27 4F4D 7A3F D5E8 14AA 1EB8 A247 3DFD
> ed25519_ 37B2 6D38 0B25 B8A2 6B9F 3A65 A36F 5357 5F2D DC4C

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