On 4/12/22 22:42, Shawn Heisey wrote:
>> Please, you could you double check on your side the "stream" traces are
>> correctly enabled? Also ensure you provide use with traces dumped by
>> haproxy when you validate the PHP form.
> These are the trace commands that I am sending to the stats socket:
> trace quic sink buf0; trace quic level developer; trace quic verbosity
> clean; trace quic start now
> trace qmux sink buf0; trace qmux level developer; trace qmux verbosity
> minimal; trace qmux start now
> trace stream sink buf0; trace stream level developer; trace stream
> verbosity clean; trace stream start now

I do not exactly how you send your commands to the CLI, but for instance
if I copy and paste your three commands above from an interactive prompt
(see "prompt" CLI command) I have to press two times enter to ensure all
three commands have been taken into an account.

Here is an extract of the documentation about how to send command to the
haproxy CLI:

9.3. Unix Socket commands

The non-interactive mode is the default when socat connects to the
socket. In this mode, a single line may be sent. It is processed as a
whole, responses are sent back, and the connection closes after the end
of the response. This is the mode that scripts and monitoring tools use.
It is possible to send multiple commands in this mode, they need to be
delimited by a semi-colon (';'). For
example :

    # echo "show info;show stat;show table" | socat /var/run/haproxy stdio

so this command:

  $ echo "trace quic sink buf0; trace quic level developer; trace quic
verbosity clean; trace quic start now; trace qmux sink buf0; trace qmux
level developer; trace qmux verbosity minimal; trace qmux start now;
trace stream sink buf0; trace stream level developer; trace stream
verbosity clean; trace stream start now" | socat <your-CLI-socket> stdio

should work (tested after haven copied and pasted from this mail).

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