
There is something unclear for me.

10/03/2023 20:43, Willy Tarreau wrote:
HAProxy 2.6.10 was released on 2023/03/10. It added 78 new commits
after version 2.6.9.

A bit more than half of the commits are HTTP3/QUIC fixes. However, as
indicated in the 2.8-dev5 announce, a concurrency bug introduced in 2.5
was fixed in this version, that may cause freezes and crashes when some
HTTP/1 backend connections are closed by the server exactly at the same
time they're going to be reused by another thread. Another different bug
also affecting idle connections since 2.2 was fixed, possibly causing an
occasional crash. One possible work-around if you've faced such issues
recently is to disable inter-thread connection reuse with this directive
in the global section:

    tune.idle-pool.shared off

But beware that this may increase the total number of connections kept
established with your backend servers depending the reuse frequency and
the number of threads.

Is this a workaround for the previous versions or one need to apply this setting also to the current version ?
Thank you for your clarification.


Best regards,

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