On 7/11/23 01:30, Remi Tricot-Le Breton wrote:
The OCSP update mechanism uses the internal http_client which then uses the resolvers. The only time when I had some strange resolver-related issues is when the name resolution returned IPv6 addresses which were not properly managed on my machine. The workaround I had in this case was to add "httpclient.resolvers.prefer ipv4" in the global section.

That directive didn't work in "global" but it was accepted when I moved it to "defaults". But it didn't change the behavior. IPv6 is completely disabled on the server.

You could also try to perform the same kind of request using the http_client directly from the CLI.

Can you explain how to do this? When I make the request with curl, it works, but I don't know how to do what you are saying here.

Everything works on another server running a newer version of Ubuntu. That uses a newer version of gnu libc, which affects pretty much everything on the system, and a large number of other libraries are newer as well.


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