Hi Shawn,

what the inadvertently publicly dislosing my private key is concerned:  I 
obfuscated the excerpts of my .pem file by putting XXXXXX into the string. 
Destroying part of it would suffice, I think.

What the actual issue is concerned:  It looks like haproxy (2.8) can't cope 
with the type of the certificate. An ECC (256 bit) seems to be generated by the 
acme.sh challenge by default.

I changed the line for getting the certificate from

acme.sh --issue -d www.domain1.org -d mail.domain1.org -d otherdomain.de -d 
mail.domain1.org -d imap.domain1.org -d smtp.domain1.org --stateless 


acme.sh --issue -d www.domain1.org -d mail.domain1.org -d otherdomain.de -d 
mail.domain1.org -d imap.domain1.org -d smtp.domain1.org --stateless 
--keylength 2048

That is, forcing a RSA 2048 certificate, and, wonder, this certificate worked.

Now, what the glueing together of the fullchain.pem and the private key into 
one file is concerned: it woud be good if that can be avoided. I'm trying an 
approach now, to put a file
fullchain.pem and fullchain.pem.key into the /etc/haproxy/certs directory and 

 bind *:443 ssl crt /etc/haproxy/certs/ strict-sni

If anyone has a tip in that direction, I'd be grateful.

> Am 11.11.2023 um 23:14 schrieb Shawn Heisey <hapr...@elyograg.org>:
> On 11/11/2023 02:26, Christoph Kukulies wrote:
>> The file is definitely there and the command works an a different file, when 
>> I apply it to the previously used certificate fullchain.pem.
>> The file which is not working, has the following structure:
> I think you have just publicly disclosed the private key for your 
> certificate.  If so, you should immediately replace that certificate with a 
> new one that uses a different key, and if it is a certificate generated by a 
> public CA, see about getting it revoked.
> On your issue:
> This is very strange.
> I ran your command with my LE certificate and it worked.
> echo "show ssl cert /etc/ssl/certs/local/elyograg_org.wildcards.combined.pem" 
> | socat /etc/haproxy/stats.socket -
> Then I made a copy of the certificate file as /tmp/fff/ddd and the same 
> command with that file returned the error you are getting!
> echo "show ssl cert /tmp/fff/ddd" | socat /etc/haproxy/stats.socket -
> The root filesystem is ext4 and /tmp is a tmpfs (ramdisk).  Unix permissions 
> are not an issue, and I have never configured ACLs on this system.  SELinux 
> is not active, and the apparmor service is stopped/disabled.  It does look 
> like snapd has activated apparmor for snaps, which seems odd because the 
> service is stopped.

When using the acme.sh mechanism to obtain the cert apparmor and snapd/certbot 
wouldn't make sense in my situation, would they?

> root@smeagol:/var/log# apparmor_status
> apparmor module is loaded.
> 59 profiles are loaded.
> 54 profiles are in enforce mode.
>   /snap/snapd/20092/usr/lib/snapd/snap-confine
> /snap/snapd/20092/usr/lib/snapd/snap-confine//mount-namespace-capture-helper
>   /snap/snapd/20290/usr/lib/snapd/snap-confine
> /snap/snapd/20290/usr/lib/snapd/snap-confine//mount-namespace-capture-helper
>   docker-default
>   snap-update-ns.certbot
>   snap-update-ns.certbot-dns-route53
>   snap-update-ns.chromium
>   snap-update-ns.crypto
>   snap-update-ns.cups
>   snap-update-ns.firefox
>   snap-update-ns.gradle
>   snap-update-ns.snap-store
>   snap.certbot-dns-route53.hook.post-refresh
>   snap.chromium.chromedriver
>   snap.chromium.chromium
>   snap.chromium.hook.configure
>   snap.crypto.crypto
>   snap.cups.accept
>   snap.cups.cancel
>   snap.cups.cups-browsed
>   snap.cups.cupsaccept
>   snap.cups.cupsctl
>   snap.cups.cupsd
>   snap.cups.cupsdisable
>   snap.cups.cupsenable
>   snap.cups.cupsfilter
>   snap.cups.cupsreject
>   snap.cups.cupstestppd
>   snap.cups.driverless
>   snap.cups.gs
>   snap.cups.ippeveprinter
>   snap.cups.ippfind
>   snap.cups.ipptool
>   snap.cups.lp
>   snap.cups.lpadmin
>   snap.cups.lpc
>   snap.cups.lpinfo
>   snap.cups.lpoptions
>   snap.cups.lpq
>   snap.cups.lpr
>   snap.cups.lprm
>   snap.cups.lpstat
>   snap.cups.reject
>   snap.firefox.firefox
>   snap.firefox.geckodriver
>   snap.firefox.hook.configure
>   snap.firefox.hook.connect-plug-host-hunspell
>   snap.firefox.hook.disconnect-plug-host-hunspell
>   snap.firefox.hook.post-refresh
>   snap.snap-store.hook.configure
>   snap.snap-store.snap-store
>   snap.snap-store.ubuntu-software
>   snap.snap-store.ubuntu-software-local-file
> 5 profiles are in complain mode.
>   snap.certbot.certbot
>   snap.certbot.hook.configure
>   snap.certbot.hook.prepare-plug-plugin
>   snap.certbot.renew
>   snap.gradle.gradle
> 0 profiles are in kill mode.
> 0 profiles are in unconfined mode.
> 0 processes have profiles defined.
> 0 processes are in enforce mode.
> 0 processes are in complain mode.
> 0 processes are unconfined but have a profile defined.
> 0 processes are in mixed mode.
> 0 processes are in kill mode.
> Thanks,
> Shawn



Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

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