On Fri, Nov 24, 2023 at 10:04:42AM +0000, Payne Max wrote:
> Christopher, thanks for you review, I'm only saving general approach to the
> indentation and to follow it I need to move other lines ...
> User passes some check port to the `backed.server` line and I want to provide
> this port to the external-check script. Because for an example when we're
> using haproxy as a loadbalancer for our Kubernetes service, we have service
> port + healthcheck port and our external-check script should balance traffic
> on service port but send availability requests to the healtcheck port => but
> currently external-check don't have any variants to receive this check port
> from check directive of the `backed.server` line.

So if I understand it correctly, you'd like that the external check can
be partially configured directly from the server line's "port" directive ?
After all, why not. But then in this case, wouldn't it make sense to also
add HAPROXY_SERVER_CHECK_ADDR with the contents of the "addr" parameter ?
Otherwise someone configuring both would only have the port and not the
address, which looks a bit odd.


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