here ready do download virtualbox image for open suse 10

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How to install and compile Harbour on Ubuntu from SVN

Requested deb packages to compile Harbour on Ubuntu

First be sure is enabled the Universe repository from menu:
System:Administration:Software Sources: Ubuntu software [tab]

Then open terminal from Applications: Accessories: Terminal and type
or better copy the red rows below and paste them into the terminal
sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install subversion wget rcs
build-essential ncurses-dev libslang2-dev tk8.3-dev unixodbc-dev
libncurses-dev libx11-dev libgpm-dev firebird2.1-dev libfreeimage-dev
libmysqlclient15-dev libpq-dev libqt3-mt-dev liballegro4.2-dev wine
dosemu-freedos mingw32 zlib1g-dev libpcre3-dev libncurses-dev
libslang2-dev libx11-dev libgpmg1-dev unixodbc-dev libcurl4-gnutls-dev
firebird2.1-dev libgd2-xpm-dev libsqlite3-dev libqt4-dev

Might be useful to set some default, please type this command:
sudo update-alternatives --set moc /usr/bin/moc-qt4

Harbour how to get source and compile them from SVN trunk
1) - Open a terminal window from menu Applications: Accessories: Terminal;
2) - Check the requested packages as specified on top of this page;
3) - Type or copy and paste (a row a time then press enter) into the
terminal window:
mkdir $HOME/src
cd $HOME/src
svn co
cd $HOME/src/harbour
export HB_BIN_INSTALL=/usr/bin
export HB_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/bin
export HB_LIB_INSTALL=/usr/lib/harbour
export HB_INC_INSTALL=/usr/include/harbour
export HB_DOC_INSTALL=/usr/share/doc/harbour
export HB_ETC_INSTALL=/etc/harbour
export HB_CONTRIBLIBS="hbqt hbct hbhpdf hblog hbxml hbmzip hbtip
hbvpdf hbxbp hbgd hbpgsql hbcurl hbmysql hbsqlit3 hbssl hbodbc rddsql
gtqtc hbmisc"
make clean
sudo -E make install
harbour -build

How to update and compile Harbour from svn sources
To update and compile Harbour from latest svn revision please download
this shell script: using terminal type o better copy and paste the
rows below, please copy and paste one row a time, then press enter:

mkdir $HOME/src
cd $HOME/src
chmod 700 MBaggharbour2_svn

The above instructions are to be done only one time, then, to update
and compile Harbour from SVN sources, you simply need to run the
script by opening a terminal and typing:

cd $HOME/src; ./MBaggharbour2_svn

To compile the sources in the contrib directories for example hbide, type :

cd $HOME/src/harbour/contrib/hbide
hbmk2 hbide.hbp -rebuild

To run the just compiled hbide type:

2010/4/15 Pritpal Bedi <>:
> Viktor Szakáts wrote:
>> Or anyone can take one from here:
>> BTW, Ubuntu installation is pretty dead simple,
>> it's nothing compared to Red Hat and some old
>> distros some may remember.
> This post is through FireFox from within Virtual-box and Ubuntu 9.10.
> My first entry familiarity with Linux. I am happy I could do it out of the
> box.
> I tried also SuSE10 but failed miserably on installation.
> So for hbQT debugging I am ready for the next step.
> Please let me step-through how I can setup Harbour ?

Massimo Belgrano
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