Hi to everybody,

I tried to solve the problem starting from the end, the delete... I
wanted to intercept the delete and from the pointer going back to the
harbour QGC_POINTER and "nullify" it.... From the end you cover all
cases in a generic way..

Your solution is from another point of view, you "disable" the delete
statement when GC destructor is called on children  so the only way to
REALLY destroy a child is to wait for parent deletion... this may
solve some problems but, as said and as I understood your sample, we
may have deveral hanging objects...

Is it also necessary to implement the same logic for addWidget, but
also a inverted logic for removeWidget and removeItem...

More, we need to devise a standard way to generate such code from
qth/include files....  from the actual generator I think it is very
difficult, we should create an in-memory structure of calls and then
generate code as automatically as possible...

Anyway, congratulations for the finding...

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