
>> BTW, after applying all your patches and cleaning hbXBP and hbIDE 
>> code, where few objects were hanging around and few were wrongly 
>> implemented, I can now get two RTEs ( yes, it is strange but true, 2 RTEs
>> )
>> at the very end of hbIDE exit : 
>> Error BASE/1301 Object destructor failure: Reference to freed block.
>> Error BASE/1301 Object destructor failure: Reference to freed block.
>> and it is consistent and reproducable always.

> More observations.

> The errors above are reported if I enter and exit hbIDE in quick
> But if I keep open hbIDE for a couple of minutes ( without doing anything
or do whatever I want ) and then exit, it _does_not_ showup any RTE.

> I m guessing that some objects are still under _construction_ by Qt, and
those pointers are either locked or pretended as so by Qt and and hence GC
tries to free them. It is puzzling > > but it is. I believe that this
happens in cases when we are creating lists or tables containing large

> This update is just to inform you the latest findings.

Let's wait for an upload containing a variant of my wrapped fix and we will


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