Hi Francesco,

Can you test following Harbour call, to see how well it works?

   ? WIN_OSNETREGOK( .T., .T. )

(you need to be logged in as administrator to make the above 
call successful)


On 2010 Apr 30, at 18:31, francesco perillo wrote:

>> From a thread started by smu johnson on March 3
> Well we have a ton of people who still use Windows, and because of
> that we need a Windows solution.
> I am happy to report that after about 30 mins of Googling, I came
> across this page, which solved the problem, if you disable SMB2.
> http://blogs.msdn.com/robmar/archive/2009/09/23/get-microsoft-fix-it-for-smb2-issue.aspx
> It's amazing, as we have spent countless hours Googling for this
> months ago, and relied on .bat files that worked 80% of the time.  So
> far, this works 100% of the time.
> This is a miracle for us!!!  We've worried for 6 years about this problem.
> - Show quoted text -
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