4865, Bolivia, R Logos, Santa Cruz. September-13 SS 2224 religious talks by OM 
"Jesus es la imagem del Dios", musical bridge, OM talks on music, 2230 YL anmts 
"noticiero" with only ecumenical content news "crescimento de las iglesias no 
registradas", 2234 musical bridge. Slow improvement, partially readable 23322 


3900, China, PBS Hulun Buir, Hailar. September-14 CC 0932 instr. romantic jazz 
sounding like Kenny G selections, 0950-0952 YL and OM talks. From 0948 
deteriorating, 24222 (lob-B).


6075, Bolivia, Unident. September-14 1000 maybe local romantic pop selections, 
canned anmts: 1022 male "Bolivia independente, soberana!", 1031 male "planos 
separatistas del facistas", 1038 male "con govierno Evo Morales, Bolivia 
unida...", 1055 male live outside "tomaran el control de toda la cidad", 1104 
after many unlistenable ID`s, OM "Radio Mensage Coca" (but this must be a 
special temporary nomination or a program name). Het, 32333 (lob-B).


Lúcio Otávio Bobrowiec

Embu SP Brasil - Sony ICF SW40 - dipole 18m, 32m 

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