MYANMAR   7110 from Myanmar checked here in Germany in 0020-0045 UTC
on Jan 27th.

7109.995 up to 7109.997 kHz, mostly music program, S=9+15dB in peaks.

Two different talk programs, different program/languages on 5915.000 and
5985.000 kHz.

6030 was totally covered by VoA - R Marti in Spanish, and Cuban jamming.

7110 kHz could be on music test - out of broadcasting band during test
phase -, after built up and erection of new 50/100 kW TX and antenna by the
Chinese firm BBEF at NPT - NAYPYIDAW - new capital ??

BBEF 150 kW SW unit TBH522 150 kW PSM SW transmitter.

BBEF DF-100A 100 kW SW transmitter

vy73 Wolfy DF5SX

7110  at 2330 UT s.on per Jose, tuned in at 0000-0130 UT all four of
the following frequencies all carrying different programmes:

5915, 5985, 6030, 7110 kHz. All on target no off freq. so presume all
Chinese TXers from NPT - NAYPYIDAW - new capital. 7110 kHz noted on 7100 kHz
sometimes acc to Jose and confirmed here near Colombo, Sri Lanka.

0130-0330, 0600-0830 9590. New TX NAYPYIDAW

0230-0958 9730.84 kHz including English 0230-0330, 0700-0730 UT.

1100 aprox-1430 UT on 7110 kHz, 0930-1600 UT 5985.86 kHz. -1500 5915 kHz.
Sked being monitored as we go along.

At 0000 UT Jan 26 Myanmar Radio observed using 7110 kHz right now, also
5915, 5985, 6030 kHz all in Myanmar languages. All 4 txers on the nose. Also
note 7110 kHz around 1130-1430 UT. If the hams will permit ... good luck.
(Victor Goonetilleke-CLN  4S7VK, DXplorer Jan 26)

----- Original Message ----- From: "HB9CET" <>
Sent: Friday, January 27, 2012 12:54 AM
Subject: Re: [INTRUDER ALERT] Fw: Myanma Radio on new 7110 kHz.

just now
26.1.2012 2350 UTC
in Zurich Switzerland
up to -70dBm

73, Peter, HB9CET

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