Theday  I returned home in my SDR PC aftertwo week in the centerwhre reception 
waswith high levels of noise 35-40 as show in the PL380 readout with a coupled 
10 m wire.  

4700 2233mystery 21 with -80/-110dbm signal and isco music 

4965 V ofhope ID at 1943 heard quite poor with -81/105dbm signal 

6070 Radio292  with religious program at 1905-70/-115 qrn dbm from chapter one 

6090 Cri1910 in Romanian with -55dbm signal and 11.3 khz wide signal and funny 
folk/traditional songs 1915 with web address and email then  lessons of Chinese 

6120 NHKwith talks in JJ on 1916  with -64dbmsignal 

6130 TWRswazi 1918 towards Angola ith talk in Luvango as noted by man . change 
ofprogram into Portuguese and with a religious chorus song mention Jesus as 
IIshuas in Greek -76dbm 

6145 KBS inFrench 1933 mostly with talks noticing also on k-pop and films 

6195 BBCvia UAE 1937  with poor modulation thatis so on -100dbm screen level  
comparingto the -70db carrier level .. 

6215 CNRoutlets against SoHope @-64dbm   6280 @-88dbm 6340 @-90dbm 

6340 possCNR at 1941  wth -95dbm to max -88dbm butpoor  audio 

6604 volmet-100dbm at  2252 


MW pirates 

1686 and1688  serbina pirates at -80dbm , talksand spradic music 

16601902  double carriers in nearly the samepowers 

1730 pirate1958 with western oldies of 60s -79/-110dbm heard better in the 


Stop after…


Zacharias LiangasRSP1a  with Console & Uno &2x16 m antena
Icom  R75 /PL380 /  De1103  radios (all pages)
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