Mathematica has an API.

There are also a bunch of 3d plotters on like: (just did a search for "3d plot")


----- Original Message -----
I have need of a plotting function/program/library for some code I am
writing for a master's paper.  Essentially, I am writing a C program
that will output an object's position in an x,y,z coordinate system.
I need to show that visually somehow.  I was originally using just x,y
coords and dumping the data file into Excel.  However, Excel has a
limit on the number of points it can plot (like 40,000 or something)
and I will be generating more.

Having it display the object's position in the 3 axes in real time as
the program is running and calculating the points would be great.
Displaying all the points at the end to show how the objects moved
over the time period is a must.

My programming skills are fairly limited (took 1 class in C 10 years
ago and have written 2-3 programs).  Having a library with the
function(s) to do this as part of my program would work, but so would
an external program that can read a data file.


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