At 04:17 PM 06/07/2005, Christopher Fisk wrote:
FWIW: SOMEONE bought it at the price he was asking, in fact, by the way I read it he had a steady revenue stream. Then the video appeared on P2P and it just "happened" to coincide with when sales stopped.

Very hard to compete with free.

I know. I've done it before. Only in my case, it was with free funded by my tax dollars. Even more injust, in my opinion. :)

I'm inclined to believe P2P killed the revenue of a niche market. Problem with things like this is you go searching for something like it (likely advertising budget is nil) and find his website on google. Link below it is the torrent/zip/ftp/whatever.

Which does the average person take?

Users are surprisingly clever when it comes to P2P.


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