From: Thane Sherrington <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: The Hardware List <>
To: The Hardware List <>
Subject: Re: [H] Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios Inc. et al. v. Grokster,Ltd., et al.
Date: Wed, 06 Jul 2005 16:52:10 -0300

At 04:45 PM 06/07/2005, Hayes Elkins wrote:
However there is no difference in the level of injustice between my example and a filthy rich company that pollutes water and kills cute kittens who has the same thing happen to their video release. Wrong is wrong.

Yes it is. And once again, you're it. I realize the black and white world is probably very comforting and relaxing, but in the real world, everything requires thought and judgement.

I'm sorry, I dont see anything in this thread that justifies leeching of pirated works. Thought and judgement indeed.

I'm still arguing about the issue of justice. Pirating from a "filthy rich company that pollutes water and kills cute kittens" should be seen as an act of justice. What comes around goes around and all that. Stealing from some guy who goes bankrupt would be injust. Both would be illegal.

Two wrongs make a right?

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