"Chris Reeves" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> And the problem
> is, there is so much poverty in New Orleans, and the structural design of
> the city is still a mess.. it's going to be a very messy and difficult work
> through.

 President Bush says that now that the catastrophe has hit, government
should swing into action and help people.  I say, government’s job was
to prevent catastrophes like Katrina, and to be prepared.  It’s so
American, wanting to be the hero and rescue survivors rather than the
engineer to prevent the need.   

 The municipal government is inept and had no ability to move people out
of the city after it ordered a mandatory evacuation.  There is only one
road out of the city today.  Worse, it is a cess pit of corpses,
household and industrial toxins, water snakes, floating balls of red
ants, and alligators.  There is no organized way to get people out and
no way to feed those trapped there.

But the media is dwelling on looting.

 We've been aware of New Orleans’ inevitable horror for decades, and
absolutely nothing sufficient was done about it.  The levees, now broken
and filling the city, were supposedly designed to protect against a
Category Three hurricane, yet Katrina was only a Two when it hit.  It’s
a major port, crucial to the nation.  Shouldn’t everything have been
better and higher? 

 Listening to Haley Barbour, the Governor of Mississippi, and Mayor Ray
Nagin of New Orleans yesterday, I have the feeling that Southern
corruption and conservative hatred of taxes has taken a hit.  There
seems to be no means to find out how many people are dead or missing
without counting bodies, even in general terms.  This, after an event
long predicted.

 The Gulf Coast just had a long predicted catastrophe for which evidence
shows no realistic preparations had been made despite previous
hurricanes and floods.  But the looters are black, so let’s focus on
that moral breakdown of American society and not on the hugely corrupt
and incompetent governments along the Gulf coast for a half century.

 It’s so American.  Don’t teach birth control, fight abortion.  Don’t
prepare for mathematical certainty, worship the melodrama of numerically
insufficient rescues.


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