For legit tools, I've had to mark the folders as
ignore to keep SAV from wiping 
them out.

This is Symantec's description of the process:

Someone else asking the same question, no real answer:

FORC5 wrote:
> Have narrowed this down to the scheduled update
feature in my SAVC
> file dwhwizrd.exe.
> When it runs it creates a endless stream of files
dwhxxxx.tmp ( where xxxxis random numbers) 
> It detects these as a trojan . So does my Webroot
> Have I been infected by a really smart V or is this
a bug in my SAVC.
> Wondering if anyone else has seen this.?
> Getting ready to un install it but meanwhile have
disabled scheduled updates.
> Also FWIW it also is detecting tools I have used for
years as bad boys. ( combofix and rockxp to name just
two) google has shown this to be a false positive. 
> thanks
> fp

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