Greg Sevart wrote:
> What DRM is included in SP3?
> They changed the product activation model to allow
you to install without a
> key. That's a good move, since it lets you use it in
test/demo environments
> without a key.
There's already versions of windows XP that work this
way for the right class of 
consumer like OEM's & Developers so NBD.

> They updated it to work with NAP (Network Access
Protection), allowing
> organizations to start using NAP to protect their
corporate networks without
> having to move all clients to Vista.
> Kernel mode cryptographic functionality...I suppose
that other vendors could
> tap into this to strengthen their existing DRM, but
it really isn't
> something revolutionary.
> They disabled many known activation
hoo, if you stole the OS,
> you deserve a brick, period.

I disagree, I think "stealing" XP is an act of protest
against a MS dominated market 
where you use it or loose out and thus are being price
gouged & made to pay to beta 
test MS mistakes. In fact I say the same about Apples
OS in that case a "frak you" to 
apple for forcing you into their limited and still
overprice hardware. Frankly if 
you're not asking MS for support what entitles them to
cash this late in the game anyway?

No I don't feel Parallels, WINE, Linux, or Unix BS are
completely the same as having 
real windows.

Personally I'll stick with XP since I know the version
I have will not frak me when I 
radically change my hardware, screw the EULA if I'm
destroying one box to rebuild it 
as a new system since it's still only one system.

> It's yet more FUD coming from people without a clue.
The "DRM" in Vista that
> most people claim to hate is the protected content
path for encrypted high
> definition video delivery (which by itself ONLY
comes into play if you are
> playing back protected content, ala HD-DVD/BRD).
It's so tightly integrated
> that MS would have had to backport the entire video
driver model to XP.
> That's an absolutely tremendous undertaking, and is
absolutely NOT a part of
> SP3. This bullshit probably came from the idiots who
claimed that MP3s would
> no longer play if you upgraded to Vista...pathetic.
I hate DRM as much as
> the next guy, maybe more, but let's try to separate
the facts from the BS,
> can we?

Have not read up on it but I don't want something that
can lock me out of my system & 
data if MS suddenly decides I'm a pirate, not the case
then NDB to me. Of course if 
it somehow limits or dictates how I view content,
limits my connectivity to content, 
or ladens my system down with invasive process that
too would be an issue for me.

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