What are you going to be using it for?  Is data encryption on your drive a
critical feature?


On Thu, Jan 8, 2009 at 2:06 PM, Bino Gopal <binogo...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> Hey guys,
> So this is a timely return to the collective b/c I've been researching (my
> method of dithering) over the purchase of the "best (and biggest size for
> the buck too)" USB flash drive for months now.
> I've been trying to find speed tests/comparisons and it's been hit or miss
> on getting recent enough reviews as new stuff keeps coming out (and keeps
> getting bigger!).  And user reviews on newegg and amazon and the like are
> also not consistent b/w sites or even within the same site for the same
> drive, so they're not much help!
> For example, turns out I've had one of the fastest USB drives for years,
> the
> Kingstong DataTraveler Elite 2GB one; so w/o realizing it at the time, I'm
> used to a certain level of performance.  Now, especially if I get a bigger
> one, I don't want to deal with waiting for long file transfers b/c it's a
> slow drive, so I'd like to get the speediest (and most reliable too of
> course) one!
> So anyone been able to find out the straight dope on this?  It seems to me
> that reviews need to get into SLC vs MLC (SLC being faster but not as big
> as
> the MLC ones) and maybe even what controller chip they use, as that might
> affect performance too, but no one (at least in reviews I've found) seem to
> get into that level of detail on a regular basis.
> .kind of like when you review computer monitors, it turns out that even
> though there are hundreds of brands, the panels themselves are made by like
> 3-4 main manufacturers and are just put into different bodies by Dell,
> Samsung, etc, etc so you really want to know who makes the panel itself; so
> with USB flash drives, would the same thing apply with the type of memory
> and the controller chip.?
> Any recommendations based on what people have and links to back that up?
> I've considering spending the cash to get up to 32GB, as that becomes a
> good
> backup solution, and could be persuaded to 64GB if there's some significant
> performance gain to it.
> And on a similar note about getting into the details and perf tests, can
> the
> same thing be said about SDHC cards nowadays, or do the class ratings tell
> you everything, so just buy a class 6 SDHC card as big as you can afford
> and
> you're set?  If not, is there any relation b/w the parts in an SDHC card
> and
> a USB drive, as it seems like in a lot of cases, the USB drives are SDHC or
> even mini or micro SDHC cards in a case?!
> See where I'm going with this?  Thoughts/expertise on this?  TIA!

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