Hi Duncan,
We might be the last hold outs on wireless :-) Anyway, the last network class I took at the University I was attending ( about 2 years ago now ) one of the things talked about by the prof was that basically the point wasn't that wireless networking didn't always work well, but that it worked at all. There are so many things that can go wrong with it. I guess the thing that has always appealed to me with a wired network is that it has collision detection vs collision avoidance that wireless has to use. My vision is way to poor ( I have Macular Degeneration ) to use a laptop, so having a wired desktop pc is my best option. lol


At 05:32 PM 4/29/2009, It was written by DHSinclair that this shall come to pass:
Like you, I share both your age and home design choices. No harm! No Foul !!!
I remain totally "wired" until someone can convince me otherwise.
You have me 1-up! My LAN is CAT6 IS running down the hall between my GBit switches and router.
One day, I may hire the contractor to "put it in the walls."
Some day soon..................... :)

Thank you. I know someone else that "at present" does WIRED. I was beginning to think I may have become a "last of a dying breed"............Very nice to know that Wired is NOT such a BAD thing!!!

At 07:17 04/29/2009 -0500, you wrote:

When I had my house built, I was able to have the house wired for Internet use in each room. For me at least, and possibly I am showing my age, I am not a big fan of wireless. Yes, I know that it is the way things are moving, but for me anyway...I prefer a wired lan and probably will stay that way as much and for as long as possible.


P.S.  As in all things....YMMV    ;-)

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