wasn't it possible in the past to do a clean install with a ungrade disk

Win 8 UPGRADE is different. Once you install the original OS is overwritten and the license key is gone. But you can put use the upgrade disk to install move your license to another computer but I guess you have to waste another OS license key?? It is confusing.

don't they at first give like 3 days b4 activation ?

Win 7 is 30 days... I would not be surprised if Win 8 is a few days before a activation sticks... but I don't know.


At 06:43 AM 11/20/2013, you wrote:
wasn't it possible in the past to do a clean install with a ungrade disk and only have to put a previous OS disk in the optical drive ? I know I have done this but it may have been with XP or even 3.11 seems like it was possible to create a file in the root ( forgot what ) and install went fine. file could even be empty.
showing my age :P(

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