There is this Samsung Magician software that wants to load up on every boot...but I zap after a while it as it is just a pain...And there is data migration software to move your stuff from the old HD to the SSD. Neither is needed for Windows to work with the SSD...the Magician is good to leave on your HD, however, just get it out of the boot sequence.
On 5/14/2014 11:23 AM, DSinc wrote:
Thanks, Anthony!The Collective rulez!
In truth, I have NOT studied the Samsung CD yet. My bad.

But, the 'Beast' boots up so quick, I miss the DELETE key to enter
the world of EUFI BIOS. It truly is so cool: It is still scary.................... :)
I end at a black screen asking me for where I choose 'boot' from (but no
choices displayed). Fine, I'll figure it out..........

On 05/14/2014 11:00, Anthony Q. Martin wrote:
I agree, though I don't think there is really anything to do with the SSD driver-wise.

On 5/14/2014 10:20 AM, DSinc wrote:

1. Samsung 840Pro SSD ?stuff?
2. Asus Z77pro m/b drivers and other utilities.
3. Asus GT630 drivers and other nVidia utilities.
4. Windows 8.1pro 64-bit Operating system.

I am thinking the protocol s/b: 4-2-1-3. Thoughts?

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