At 01:30 PM 5/16/2014, you wrote:

Really appreciate your opinions and  insights. Bottom line, it seems, is
that you are saying I won't really see a large increase in performance from
a 5 year old system?

Even if you go with six core you won't notice a large improvement unless you have a use for it. For me the six core decreased my HD encoding time by a third... but I am encoding stuff all the time. And Brian has a point... if you don't have a SSD in your system now...then that is the way to go. Just add one and you might have all the performance increase you are looking for right there.

 Did I just purchase wisely in 2009? :)

In the last 5-10 years hardware in general has become so powerful that almost nobody has a need for high end performance any more. I was perfectly happy with my old 2008 build = Dual Core Quad, 16GB of RAM, dual ATI 5570 Crossfire setup. And I would be happy right now if I wasn't doing encoding. A lot of the reason I built my current machine was just because I wanted it.

As a for instance, when running Ripbot264, the CPU usage is pegged at 100%
for several hours. This makes other programs sluggish and slow to respond. I
was looking for some "relief" in this area.

hard to say. I don't know the program and sometimes poorly written software can bring any system down. However, if the encoding software is any good it will use all the processing power you have, regardless of other program needs or the speed of the CPU. It is up to the OS to manage this for you.

Would waiting for the "next big thing" help, and how long is the wait? It
seem like the next generation is always "6 months away" or "next quarter!"

I don't think you should wait but the next big thing is even going to be more powerful... and you don't really need what you have now. Is it worth spending thousands, and a lot of time and hassle to deal with this issue? Perhaps... but only you can answer that question.

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