On Sun, Sep 06, 2009 at 11:04:26AM +0100, Álvaro Lopes wrote:

> My Gta02 seems to have an extra component on board [1] [2]. Any ideas how it 
> got there ?

   Someone or something dropped it there. I think the strip of plastic isn't
supposed to be there either [3].

> I'm worried that resistor is missing somewhere else...

   Yes, that missing 100k pull-up/down from someone's 95% working
prototype being assembled at the same time maybe. :-)

> [1] http://alvarolopes.com/resources/extra_component2.jpg
> [2] http://alvarolopes.com/resources/extra_component.jpg
[3] http://nospamnospam.homepage.dk/hardware/GTA02A6-R1769.png

Rask Ingemann Lambertsen
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