On Sun, Sep 06, 2009 at 05:15:54PM +0200, Joerg Reisenweber wrote:
> [Álvaro Lopes So  6. September 2009]:

> > [1] http://alvarolopes.com/resources/extra_component2.jpg
> > [2] http://alvarolopes.com/resources/extra_component.jpg
> AFAIK it's a factory rework on A5 to implement some fix. I didn't check what 
> it is exactly, but afaik it looks like some pulldown to GND (= can metal). 
> You can tell easily by finding out about the testpoint it's soldered to.

   Absolutely right. It's R4411, a 100k pulldown from H-TP4402, which is the
RX_IRDA signal used for GSM firmware download at the factory. Page seven of
the GTA02 schematics lists R4411 as NC for GTA02A5 and 100k for GTA02A6.
Thanks for clearing it up.

Rask Ingemann Lambertsen
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