> On May 23, 2020, at 10:25 AM, Eli Zaretskii <e...@gnu.org> wrote:
>> From: Khaled Hosny <dr.khaled.ho...@gmail.com>
>> Date: Sat, 23 May 2020 09:51:21 +0200
>> Cc: harfbuzz@lists.freedesktop.org
>>> Thanks.  Since (b) is not really feasible without redesigning the
>>> entire Emacs display engine (for which I see no volunteers lining up
>>> any time soon), I guess we will have to use some more-or-less
>>> reasonable and somewhat unreliable heuristics by supporting only some
>>> ligatures that are known in advance.
>> What are you going to do about kerning, or mark positioning? Partially 
>> kerning arbitrary glyphs (because the sub string match some regular 
>> expression) is worse than not kerning at all.
> I don't think I understand the question.  How is kerning related to
> the issue at hand?

Kerning is part of text layout. You are only considering ligatures, but they 
are small part of text layout and your proposal does not seem to consider 
anything other than ligatures which is arbitrary division and makes no much 
sense to me. Some fonts provide ligatures to fix f-collioson, others fix it 
with contextual alternates, and others fix it with kerning. Your proposed 
solution does not address this. Also when you pass certain text to the layout 
engine, you get everything the font provides not just ligatures, so you would 
end up kerning certain letter combination (that you send to the layout engine) 
and not others, which is inconsistent and ugly.

Overall, if you can’t send the whole text (words are the absolute minimum, but 
this has its issues as well), don’t just send arbitrary parts of it as the 
result will be some inconsistent mess.


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