Well till now I didn't felt me that nauseous by giving reiki, only some times 
having less breath. And the bottle of water is always around too.
This morning I meditated again with the anthakarana symbol but got only again 
all the chakracolours moving around each other.  It makes me joyfull to see 
that.  Next time I'll try to ask things.  
Oke for the language , if you want to try to speak French, no problem either.  
Like you say it's fun to be able to communicate with people all around the 
world.  Sometimes it creates funny situations 
Well it is a wonderfull day, only there is a heavy wind yet so that means 
biking hard within some hours.  But I do love to feel the wind in the hairs, it 
gives a natural refreshment.  One good point for this evening, coming back will 
be with the wind in the back so that will be the best thing: I gone bike green 

--- On Thu, 9/3/09, Carmel DiPaola <mariposa.de....@comcast.net> wrote:

From: Carmel DiPaola <mariposa.de....@comcast.net>
Subject: Re: [harmonization-universal] Shamballa Level 2 sent/Martine
To: harmonization-universal@yahoogroups.com
Date: Thursday, September 3, 2009, 2:07 PM


Good morning Martine,
Oh, ok, sorry for the misunderstanding.  But you can still ask your guides and 
the reiki masters to tone that down for you, there's no need to suffer!  I get 
the same thing when I'm working on someone, and as I got better at working with 
the energies there would be times when I got so nauseous or whatever, that I 
had no idea how in the world I was going to avoid letting the person know!  I 
felt it would be a disservice, you know?  I would feel terrible if I knew my 
healer was feeling unwell...for me a lot of this stuff comes up in the solar 
plexus area, which is our 'seat of power' in Chinese medicine.  So of course a 
lot of stuff comes up in that area.  
But again, you can simply ask to be strengthened to be able to attend to the 
recipient in the greatest and highest way to be able to serve them.  And I 
would still drink a lot of water after so much energy passes through me, will 
keep you more balanced.  The body can reconfigure itself much better in an 
aqueous environment.
And I had another thought about that vision you had.  If you do go back to 
doing that, why don't you start by simply asking them who they are?  and why 
did they come to you?
And please, please don't feel the need to say anything about the language 
thing.  I love to be able to speak with people from around the world, and it 
has occurred to me more than once that they are all speaking my language.  Your 
English is better than my French!  :o)
I hope you have a wonderful day as well,
Love, Carmel

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Martine Bonte 
To: harmonization- universal@ yahoogroups. com 
Sent: Thursday, September 03, 2009 2:50 AM
Subject: Re: [harmonization- universal] Shamballa Level 2 sent/Martine


Good morning Carmel, 
Oh you misunderstood my explanation , maybe I need to express me bit better 
next time (english isn't my motherlanguage like a lot of others here)  But I 
meant by sensing more the pains that it are the pains that others have, not 
me.  I feel them quicker than before.  But thank you with your explanation, I 
will keep it in mind for if that ever happens to me to work like you say.
I will keep you and the group update if something is interesting enough to 
Have a nice day,
Martine :-)

--- On Thu, 9/3/09, Carmel DiPaola <mariposa.de. o...@comcast. net> wrote:

From: Carmel DiPaola <mariposa.de. o...@comcast. net>
Subject: [harmonization- universal] Shamballa Level 2 sent/Martine
To: harmonization- universal@ yahoogroups. com
Date: Thursday, September 3, 2009, 3:36 AM


Hello Martine,  
I think you are doing really well with the energy, I really do.  I hope the 
pains in your body are not unbearable, it feels to me that it is the energy 
doing its cleansing thing.  Please drink a lot of water during this process.  
It will not last, it's the energy working.  When I experience discomfort during 
this type of experience, I also have no hesitation in asking my guides and 
allies to 'take it easy on the physical body please'...because I do not believe 
it is necessary to feel pain for the experience to be effective.  And it works, 
but you have to believe it, because otherwise the Universe, that whole Law of 
Attraction thing, takes one's lack of belief and responds accordingly.  By not 
When you feel ready, how about trying that meditation again, and this time call 
the guides/masters who came to you?  Believe me, I know how hard it is to undo 
a lifetime of the conditioning that makes one believe what they do about 
oneself, but I really believe you are more powerful than you know.  Martine, 
you had an amazing experience with that meditation, and I cannot imagine that 
those guides are not waiting to say something to you!  By all means, please 
keep us posted!
Much love and light, 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Martine Bonte 
To: harmonization- universal@ yahoogroups. com 
Sent: Tuesday, September 01, 2009 5:51 PM
Subject: Re: [harmonization- universal] Shamballa Level 2 sent


Hi Carmel, quick little note before I go sleeping.  The reikisession on that 
person went well, for her it felt also warm.  And yes about 10 mins later reiki 
took over and gave more burningfeeling into my hands.  For the rest all I know 
is that since the attunements, is that I feel things easier, I mean pains in 
the body.  
So thank you for this attunement.  Maybe I also felt it like a softer 
attunement like the others did.
Have a good night Carmel, I gone close the eyes soon, byebye
Martine :-)

--- On Tue, 9/1/09, Martine Bonte <mbmas...@yahoo. com> wrote:

From: Martine Bonte <mbmas...@yahoo. com>
Subject: Re: [harmonization- universal] Shamballa Level 2 sent
To: harmonization- universal@ yahoogroups. com
Date: Tuesday, September 1, 2009, 7:13 AM


Thank you for your advice Carmel   Just within two hours I will have somebody 
for a reiki-treatment so I'll try it.  Now a big oef as it kept me busy the 
whole time 
Martine :-) 

--- On Tue, 9/1/09, Carmel DiPaola <mariposa.de. o...@comcast. net> wrote:

From: Carmel DiPaola <mariposa.de. o...@comcast. net>
Subject: Re: [harmonization- universal] Shamballa Level 2 sent
To: harmonization- universal@ yahoogroups. com
Date: Tuesday, September 1, 2009, 3:46 AM


Hi Martine, 
Well, I'm getting the message that you do not need it sent again, but if it 
really makes you feel better you can call again.  The energy is definitely 
directed for each person to receive the best level of attunement that their 
higher selves feels one is ready for.  
Why don't you try and work with the energy a bit?  Work on someone else even, 
because you know how you may not feel it as much when you work on yourself?  
Because it is your own energy now, coming from you, and if you are not feeling 
certain with where you are with it, then working on another gives you a little 
better basis for comparison to see the difference from level 1.  
You'll know, you really had such a deep experience with level 1 that I have 
complete faith in your ability, Martine.
Much love and Light blessings, Martine,

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Martine Bonte 
To: harmonization- universal@ yahoogroups. com 
Sent: Monday, August 31, 2009 2:05 PM
Subject: Re: [harmonization- universal] Shamballa Level 2 sent


Good evening Carmel, 
I do have a question.  Can I call it in again tomorrow pls?  I could only start 
to do it this evening bcz of foundationworks next door so I waited till it was 
all calm. 
And just when I was getting the energies my doorbell went twice.    I didn't 
went to go open the door but it had let me jump up and byebye was the 
concentration.  Although I got some more headenergies after it, I didn't felt 
me happy. It was like I may not take it in today.  So it's the first time such 
things happen when taking in an attunement so I don't know if it is good to 
call it in again.
So if somebody have an advice I would appreciate to hear it.

--- On Mon, 8/31/09, Carmel DiPaola <mariposa.de. o...@comcast. net> wrote:

From: Carmel DiPaola <mariposa.de. o...@comcast. net>
Subject: [harmonization- universal] Shamballa Level 2 sent
To: harmonization- universal@ yahoogroups. com
Date: Monday, August 31, 2009, 4:36 AM


Shamballa Level 2 sent...there were a few people on the list who were not there 
last week.  They got both levels, but please call in separately after the 
energy of level 1 settles in.
I hope you all enjoy!
.· ´¨¨))  -:¦:-
       ¸.·´ .·´¨¨))
     ((¸¸.·´  ..·´   -:¦:-   ~ Radiant Blessings !
    -:¦:-    ((¸¸.·´*                Carmel


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