Andrea this is a very good question and one I would like to discuss with
added component of the following observation I have made as it relates to
DVD and VHS.
I am finding that the shelf life of VHS is so much longer than the DVDs. VHS
is generally a ore robust medium, compared to the DVD which is more
sensitive and fragile. I have looked into leeves and "condoms" that are
supposed to add protection to the DVD, but the inquiries and reading I have
done on this seem to support the fact that, it is truly difficult to mke
sure the DVD is returned in good condition and ready for use by another
The VHS on the other hand can circulate numerous times throughout the years
and hold up very well.
I am curious if others have made a similar observation, and perhaps others
have come across THE way to ensure DVD shelf life.
Andrea it is ironic that the very show you want to transfer from video to dvd
is one on ethics. This is a copyright question and AJL may want to consult
with a copyright attorney. I will be consulting with a leader in the field
who is the chair of my Library, David Nimmer (Nimmer on Copyright)

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