The Center for Jewish History is pleased to announce the web launch of
our new online catalog.  The combined library and archives collections
of the American Jewish Historical Society, American Sephardi Federation,
Leo Baeck Institute, Yeshiva University Museum, YIVO Institute for
Jewish Research, and Center for Jewish History Genealogy Institute may
now be searched via a link from the Center's home page,

 >From the Easy Access menu in the lower left corner of the CJH home page,
clicking on "Search the CJH Catalog" will bring you to Basic Search.
Advanced Search, Browse, and search history are also available from
links across the top of the page, as well as a Basket function for
printing, saving, and/or e-mailing a list of items you select during
your search.

In Basic Search, you can search the entire catalog at once, or limit
your search to a single repository.  In Advanced Search, you can also
limit your search by language, year, and/or format
(archives/manuscripts, books, or journals/periodicals).

 >From the list of search results, clicking an item number in the
left-hand column brings you to the full record for the item.  Clicking
on a Repository link in the list of search results brings you to a
screen from which you may place a hold request for the item.  However,
before you can place any hold requests, you must fill out an online form
to register for a library card.

Many catalog records for archival collections include embedded links
that will bring you directly to the online finding aids and searchable
databases that were previously available only through the Center's web
site.  See, for example, the catalog entry for AJHS's Industrial Removal
Office records (Collection I-91).

The catalog also contains links to a growing number of digital images
from the various collections.  For example, you can now access online
hundreds of photographs from the Leo Baeck Institute's Albert Einstein
Collection (AR 136).

The "CJH Resources" link at the bottom of each screen connects you to a
page with links to a variety of external electronic resources.

This catalog is the product of several years' intensive work by teams of
library, archives, museum, and information technology professionals in
the U.S. and Israel, and was made possible by a major grant from the
National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC).

We encourage you to give us your feedback on the catalog by using the
Comments link, which may be found at the bottom of each screen.

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and are not necessarily endorsed by the Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL)
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