books in Ladino
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We've been little cataloging fools here at La Javura. I just love it 
because now I can say: Sure, let me help you out! I can actually find 
something now!

Ann Abrams of Temple Israel Library, Boston, sent us this interesting 
book when she was weeding out the "William S. Koster Bookshelf":

Modern Israeli Drama, an Anthology.  Edited with an introduction by 
Herbert S. Joseph. 1983 by Associated University Press.  ISBN: 
0-8386-3104-5.  'Library of Congress' cataloging numbers: 
PJ5043.M6   1983    892.4'26'08    L.C. 81-72034    "PJ5043 M6". 
English. Hard cover. Pp 267, cms 16 x 24.
Moshe Shamir: He Walked through the Fields [translated by Audrey Hodes.].
Aharon Megged: The First Sin [translated from Hebrew by S. Eingad and 
M. Arad.].
Yosef Bar-Yosef: Difficult People [translated by H. Bernard, D. 
Oklans and Dennis Silk.].
Yehoshua Sobol: The Night of the Twentieth [translated by Michael Salkind.].
Dan Horowitz: Cherli Ka Cherli [translated by Karen Alkalay and 
Hannah Gut.].
Nola Chilton / A.B.Yehoshua : Na?m (adapted for the stage by Nola 
Chilton from the novel The Lover by A.B.Yehoshua; translated from 
Hebrew by John Auerbuch.).

Bye the bye, for all of you 17 persons who wanted the little ladino 
books. I was torn. I wanted to send them to everybody. Alas and 
alack. I put all the names into a ceramic urn and pulled out a 
winner. However, I contacted the author and told him all about you 
all and he is quite willing to give me more copies. The catch 
(there's always a catch) is that I have to get them from the 
mini-publisher who is being very difficult to find (never answers his 
phone). If I ever do track that guy down, I shall send each of you 
whatever I can get out of him.

Have a nice warm day (I'm freezing here in Spain, at least it is indeed sunny)
Shabat shalom
Besos de Valencia
Alba Toscano
Sinagoga conservador/masorti La Javura
Valencia (Espana)

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