Dear Mr. Yudelson--

First, let me thank you as a representative of a small independent
press, for coming to AJL. As a librarian and a reader, I am continually
impressed with the number and variety of small "niche market" presses
that survive and thrive in a world that seems all too often dominated by
the large presses. I look forward to seeing what you will have to offer.

It seems to me that you will encounter a variety of people at our
convention each with different needs. Since I am not an Acquisitions
Librarian, I cannot speak directly to that issue but only indirectly via
observation. I would assume that you will find that this subgroup will
normally expect to find catalogs and lists that they can take back to
their offices along with the opportunity to see a variety of your
publications and speak with you personally. These librarians may order
on site, but are more likely to wait until they return home to evaluate
their purchases and order there.

I am in the category of the individual purchaser. I look for the
traditional convention discount and will either order on site, paying
with my "Visa" card, or, if the discount is substantial enough, will buy
the display copy at the end of the convention (assuming one of my
colleagues has not "beaten me to the punch"), and take it with me. I
also enjoy talking with the various representatives and browsing among
their offerings, even if I don't always buy. This is an important part
of the convention for me. I like learning all I can about the world of
books in general and of Jewish books in particular, viewing it as
continuing education for my work and for my own personal growth. If I
don't buy, that is no guarantee that someone I may encounter in the
course of my work day won't do so if I recommend a title.

I look forward to meeting and talking with you.

Yours sincerely,

Daniel J. Rettberg, Ph.D.
Rare Book and Manuscript Bibliographer
Klau Library
Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion
Cincinnati, Ohio 45220-2488


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