On this lovely list, the Jewish Fed of Greater Philly in partnership 
with Jewish Outreach Partnership offered, for the outlandish price of 
only 6$$$, Outwitting History by Aaron Lansky. I sent in my 2 box 
tops and 6 one-dollar bills and it got to Spain 8 days later.  I love 
this book. I have marked up this book. I have trashed the binding. I 
have marked it with pen, pencil and coloured markers and turned down 
the corners. While reading this book, I have had no less than 4 major 
revelations about life, the universe and an incredible amount of 
other stuff. And then, on page 294, I found this:

"The next day (after the bombing of AMIA in Buenos Aires), I (Lansky) 
wired the head of the Jewish community in Buenos Aires, offering to 
replace every volume that had been destroyed. Four months later, our 
bibliographer, Neil Zagorin, and ZACHARY BAKER, then head librarian 
of the YIVO, traveled south to make the necessary arrangements..."

And I thought: Bless my ears and whiskers, blimey blimey. I know that 
Zachary guy from AJL. Not like we're bosom buddies or anything or 
that I would ever come close to recognizing him in a dark alley.  But 
it's nice to feel connected like that to people for whose opinions 
you have read, respected and considered commentating on on the AJL 
list. I like to see what lectures are being given (which give me 
ideas for what I can do around this here popsicle stand) and what 
jobs are being offered (which I shall never be able to apply for) and 
what projects people are involved in.

Besos de Valencia
Alba Toscano
Sinagoga conservador/masorti La Javura
Valencia (Espana)

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