Please share as appropriate.  >> Arieh Lebowitz, Associate Director, 
Jewish Labor Committee

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Ariel Hurwitz <>
Sent: Mon, March 21, 2011 2:41:38 AM
Subject: New Book, Jews Wothout Power, by Ariel Hurwitz

To all friends and colleagues,

A book written by me and entitled, Jews Without Power, has just come 
off the press and is now available both in a printed form and in 
electronic versions. Ordering details at the end of this email.

The book, Jews Without Power, deals with the policies of the American 
government, the American public and the American Jewish community 
during the period of the Holocaust. It concentrates on the role 
played by the American Jewish leadership and sheds a new and more 
favorable light on the role of the Jewish leadership, and on the many 
efforts of their organizations to rally support for rescue. The book 
analyzes the activities of the Jewish organizations against the 
backdrop of American policy, public opinion and burgeoning 
antisemitism. It examines the options open to the Jewish leadership 
and concludes that their area of maneuverability was very limited, 
but not totally exploited.


Ariel Hurwitz

Historians who have read the book have written:

"Hurwitz reveals not only breadth and depth in research and use of 
archival material previously unknown, but an excellent understanding 
of the complexities of the subject... and describes this all in an 
exceptional manner... No one has described these circumstances in so 
masterly a fashion as the author has succeeded in doing."

"Superior scholarshipÂ… it reads well and is an interesting presentation."

  "It is the kind of balanced view that the field needed."

"No one has described these circumstances in so masterly a fashion as 
the author   has succeeded in doing."

"This is a very important work, and it contributes many novel ideas 
to our understanding of both the Jewish and the American response to 
the Holocaust."

"Hurwitz's analysis is brilliantÂ… Hurwitz reached important and 
innovative conclusions."

The book, Jews Without Power is available from: Amazon: Book or 
Kindle;  iBooks; Nook (Barnes and Nobles);  or Multi-Educator (the Publisher).

Anyone interested in purchasing a copy can go to the following link 
and there you will be able to obtain more information and make your 


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