Paula Fine wrote:

>restrict access to the catalog to synagogue members
Access to the catalog and access to the physical book are two 
different kettles of fish.

>...make it (the catalog) available to everyone.
Yes. The entire universe if possible. Though Steven Hawkings says 
that we shouldn't be so trusting of extra-terrestriales with their 
beam-up technology

>thoughts about access to on-line synagogue catalogs. Are there any down-sides

>, potential problems,

>  or other issues (including hacking)
Hacking is a problem no matter what you do on the internet..

>  If we made the catalog available to members only, that would be an 
> added "perk"
A public library  is an added perk to anyone who lives in a town but 
to take out a book you actually have to pick your butt up, go there, 
sign up for a card, prove you live in the town, ya di da di da.....

>it would be good library public relations to make our historic 
>collection available to the larger
An on-line catalog is one thingy and letting the books walk out the 
door is another thingy. Even the public library doesn't let the 
reference books and special collections go off premises even to 
members. If your historic collection catalog is on-line everyone in 
the whole wide world will know it. Scholars would come from far and 
wide just to have a look which doesn't mean they will be allowed to 
walk off with any of it.

>The question of security (will we get the books back from a non-member?)
Will you get the books back from a member?  When people die and leave 
their libraries to the synagogue library, it is amazing the number of 
library books one finds amongst the junk

>How have you dealt with these issues
In La Javurá (Valencia, Spain) no reference book leaves the library. 
Only quota-paid-up members can check out one book at a time. Anybody 
can come in and browse whatever and whenever they like by calling and 
giving me a heads-up.

>  and what decisions have you made about your on-line catalogs?
I keep looking for the gliztyest ways  possible to get it into the 
public. Right now I'm working on LibraryThing. if you want to see the 
total mess of a catalog we have on-line at the moment, go to our 
web-page. It's embarrassing, but it's there. Once I get my head 
around it, I'll pass the catalog over to LibraryThing.
Besos de Valencia
Alba Toscano, presª, bibliotª
Sinagoga conservador La Javurá
calle Uruguay 59, pta 13
46007 Valencia (España)
Skype: albatoscanovalencia
Blog de Bitacora de los Viajes con La Javurá
96 380 2129
96 380 6970
658 721 769


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