Student Differences Are Here To Stay. Wouldn't it be liberating to 
find out that this reality is a plus, not a minus?

"What Jewish Schools Could Be" invites parents, teachers, and 
principals to take another look at some of the fundamental issues in 
Jewish education, both in America and abroad.

The author, Sara Carter, asks us to do some hard thinking about 
certain practices which are widely accepted in Jewish schools – 
practices which are depriving our students of quality education in 
Judaic and general studies.

She demonstrates that by revisiting Torah directives and reviewing 
research in education, we can find solutions that make it possible 
for our students to emerge as eager learners and as Jews who are 
excited about their purpose in life. Within these solutions is the 
recognition of a vital component in the human psyche: the need for 
connection – connection to oneself, to one's peers, to one's teacher, 
to one's subjects, and to Hashem. What Jewish Schools Could Be offers 
"new-old" pathways designed to restore these connections.

Sara Carter began her teaching career as one of two teachers who 
started the Children's School, grades 1-8, in Atlanta, 
Georgia.  Later she taught for over fifteen years at the Chaya Mushka 
Children's House, a Jewish Montessori school, where she mentored 
teachers and obtained state licensing and national accreditation for 
this school. She is a consultant at the Intown Jewish Preschool in Atlanta.
She earned her M.A. in Teaching from Emory University in Atlanta, 
where she currently lives.

Published by Mazo Publishers
Author: Sara Carter
ISBN: 978-1-936778-90-4
Pages: 144
Binding: Soft Cover
List Price: $16.95


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