stuff, and library rules
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Recently a few of the communications on Hasafran have collided into 
each other in my head and having done so, have become topics of my 
weekly discussiones on SKYPE with my mentor and best girl-friend, 
Heidi Estrin. Nowthat we are in the High Holiday Musing Season, I 
wish to take a moment to muse.  If anyone else has fuzzy-logic 
librarianship musings to share, I would be interested in reading them 
on or off the list.

First off, on the list there is always a lot of chatter about 
copyright laws, their traditions and their norms. Such chatter always 
makes me imagine freshly landed fishes flapping about in buckets on 
the Santa Monica Pier in L.A. Maybe I imagine this because the next 
AJL Convention will be in L.A. Maybe not.
Second off, JSTOR just opened up an Early Journal Content site which 
states that the Swartz/Maxwell controversy had nothing to do with the 
new site. This pricked up my bunny ears, having never heard of either 
Swartz or Maxwell or the related controversy. So. I went off into the 
internet and looked for the "controversy". This is what I 

Finally,  just a short while ago someone brought up "The Ten Year 
Rule", as being a curious rule related to the weeding of books. 
Though the Ten-year Rule didn't ring any bells, (nor am I sure I 
agree that books have little time bombs in them, i.e., if the book 
isnt worth anything now, it probably wasn't worth anything 10 years 
ago anyways...), Heidi did remember something called S. R. 
Ranganathan's "Five Laws of Library Science". I'm going to 
cross-stitch it, frame it and hang it on the wall:

1.Books are for use.
2.Every reader his book.
3.Every book its reader.
4.Save the time of the reader.
5.The library is a growing organism.

Shana tova u'metuka filled with health, health and health, the rest 
will take care of itself
Besos de Valencia
Alba Toscano, presª
Sinagoga conservador La Javurá
calle Uruguay 59, pta 13
46007 Valencia (España)
Skype: albatoscanovalencia
Blog de Bitacora de los Viajes con La Javurá
96 380 2129
658 721 769


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