Dear Safranim,

   I'm very happy to announce that Jasmin Nof has been appointed to 
the position of Hebraica Cataloging Librarian in Original Cataloging 
at the Penn Libraries. Jasmin comes to Penn from the University of 
Maryland Libraries, where she served as Judaica & Hebraica Cataloger 
for the past six years, as well as supervisor of the Non-Roman 
Cataloging Unit.  SHe received a B.A. with honors in Judaic studies 
from Yeshiva University and an M.L.S. from Indiana University.    As 
many of you know, Jasmin has actively participated in programs of the 
Association of Jewish Libraries as Chair of its Cataloging Committee 
and as a member of its Mentoring Committee.  At Maryland she served 
on a variety of library committees and was the recipient of a grant 
for a pilot study on digital preservation of endangered library texts.

   Jasmin's current contact information is:

    Jasmin Nof
    Hebraica Cataloging Librarian
    Cataloging & Metadata: Original Cataloging
    Van Pelt-Dietrich Library Center
    University of Pennsylvania Libraries
    3420 Walnut Street
    Philadelphia, PA 19104-6206
    T. 215-746-6397
    F. 215-573-9610

   Welcome Jasmin!


Arthur Kiron
Schottenstein-Jesselson Curator of Judaica Collections
University of Pennsylvania Libraries
3420 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6206
T. (215) 573-7431
F. (215) 898-0559
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday

Library at the Herbert D. Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies
420 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19106
T. (215) 238-1290 ext 202
F. (215) 238-1540
Wednesday and Friday


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